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    <allpages gapfrom="XFBML" />
      <page pageid="234" ns="0" title="Ref">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">official documentation found here:

When people go to your application via a link in Facebook, it should contain a &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; GET variable that will indicate where the person clicked the link. If &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; is not present, an older &lt;code&gt;ref&lt;/code&gt; parameter with similar values may be present.
The values aren't always completely clear so here is a table of the possible values and their meanings:

{| class=&quot;wikitable&quot;
! &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; value !! &lt;code&gt;ref&lt;/code&gt; value !! Meaning !! Description
| aggregation || || aggregation || clicked on an item in an [[Open Graph]] [[aggregation]]
| appcenter || || App Center || Came to your application through the new [ App Center]
| appcenter_request || || App Center request || Came to your application through a request in the [ App Center Requests]
| bookmark_apps || bookmarks || bookmark || On the &quot;Home&quot; page of Facebook the user clicked the bookmark for your application that appears in the far left column.
| bookmark_favorites || bookmarks || bookmark || The user clicked on the bookmark to your application after earlier moving it to their list of favorite applications.
| bookmark_seeall || bookmarks || bookmark || Person clicked &quot;more&quot; on the apps menu and then entered the application from
| &lt;del&gt;canvas_bkmk_top&lt;/del&gt; canvasbookmark || || canvas bookmark (top) ||  When in an application, there are a few bookmarks shown along the right above the Facebook ads (currently 3 links to applications and a &quot;more&quot; to see more applications).  You'll see this &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; value if the person came to your application from one of those links above the &quot;more&quot; link.
| &lt;del&gt;canvas_bkmk_more&lt;/del&gt; canvasbookmark_more || || canvas bookmark (more) || When in an application, there are a few bookmarks shown along the right above the Facebook ads (currently 3 links to applications and a &quot;more&quot; to see more applications).  You'll see this &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; if your application was clicked as a link below the &quot;more&quot; divider.
| canvasbookmark_recommended || || canvas bookmark (recommended) || link below the canvas bookmarks showing applications that Facebook recommends
| dashboard_bookmark || || dashboard bookmark || List of apps and games at top of the &quot;dashboard&quot; page ( or )
| dashboard_toplist || || dashboard top list || List of games at bottom of the requests page ( or )
| dialog_permission || || ||
| ego || games_featured &lt;br/&gt; featured_game || featured game || On the [ Games] or [ Apps and Games] page there is a list of &quot;featured games&quot; in the right column, the user clicked one of these links.
| feed &lt;br/&gt; nf ||  || news feed || The user came to your application by clicking a link on a news feed item.
| feed_achievement || || || 
| feed_highscore || || || 
| feed_music || || || 
| feed_opengraph || || news feed open graph story || The user came to your application by clicking an Open Graph story in their news feed.
| feed_passing || || || 
| feed_playing || || || 
| feed_video || || || 
| games_my_recent || || Games page: Your Games || On the [ Games] page there is a section titled &quot;Your Games&quot; that show the 5 most recently played games.  The user clicked one of these links.
| games_friends_apps || || Games page: Friends' Games || At the very bottom of the [ Games] page there is a section titled &quot;Friends' Games&quot; that shows several friends and 1-3 applications they've used.  The user clicked one of these links.
| hovercard || ||   || small pop-over describing the app that you see when you mouse-over the name of the application on a newsfeed post
| message || ||   || 
| mf || || minifeed  || &lt;small&gt;saw this tag on an image news feed item, but not sure what it is [[User:Wong|Wong]] 17:20, 7 February 2011 (UTC)&lt;/small&gt;
| notification || notif || notification || clicked on a notification (these appear in the drop down when you click the planet in the top bar or at )
| other_multiline || || || The user came from the &quot;&lt;User&gt; played &lt;app&gt;&quot; feed on the canvas page.
| pymk || || People You May Know || not likely to be seen in a third party application, but it's a &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; value that appeared on the Home page under &quot;People You May Know&quot;
| recent_activity || || Recent Activity || clicked on an [[Open Graph]] action in the &quot;Recent Activity&quot; section of the timeline
| reminders || || || application request reminders that are shown on the Home page at the top right 
| request || || request || person replied to Facebook request or clicked the link to your app from a request on the request page
| search || ts || top search || If a user starts typing in a search and then selects one of the suggestions that pop up below the top search box, the &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; will have a value of &quot;ts&quot;
| ticker || || ticker || clicked on an [[Open Graph]] action in the Ticker
| timeline || || timeline ||
| timeline_og || || timeline open graph || clicked on the app name or open graph object name in a timeline post
| timeline_news || || ||
| timeline_passing || || ||
| timeline_recent || rua || || &quot;Apps - recently used&quot; link on person's profile timeline

== Codes no longer used ==
{| class=&quot;wikitable&quot;
! &lt;code&gt;fb_source&lt;/code&gt; value !! &lt;code&gt;ref&lt;/code&gt; value !! Meaning !! Description
| appd || || Application Directory || Someone came from the infrequently used [ Application Directory]
| appd_friends_apps || || Apps page: Friends' Apps || At the very bottom of the [ Apps] page there is a section titled &quot;Friends' Apps&quot; that shows several friends and 1-3 application they've used.  The user clicked one of these links.
| appd_my_recent || || Apps page: Your Apps || On the [ Apps] page there is a section titled &quot;Your Apps&quot; that show the 5 most recently used applications.  The user clicked one of these links.
      <page pageid="264" ns="0" title="URL Links with functions">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">==Redirect URLs with special functions==

Add a friend

Send Message to a friend

Add App to Page
&lt;pre&gt;&lt;a target=&quot;_blank&quot; href=&quot;;pages=1&amp;page=YOUR_PAGE_ID&quot;&gt;PAGE NAME&lt;/a&gt;&lt;br/&gt;

Goto Page Selection Page (If user authorized &quot;manage_pages&quot;, he can select a page on this site, where he wants to install the application on)

Send Message

Feed Dialog
caption=Reference%20Documentation&amp;   description=Dialogs%20provide%20a%20simple,%20consistent%20interface%20for%20applications%20to%20interact%20with%20users.&amp;   message=Facebook%20Dialogs%20are%20so%20easy!&amp;

== URLs information in XML==
Stats URL