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Deprecated Please note: This table is deprecated in favor of the Insights Table. Deprecated

Query this table to retrieve metrics about your application. All metrics are identified by a name, and a period over which they've been collected (e.g. one day or seven days).

This query is indexable only if both of the following are true:

  • The given date range is bounded and less than 30 days, and
  • A list of periods is specified.

In order to make your query indexable, the WHERE in your query should contain a comparison or IN clause for the end_time column, and an equality or IN clause for the period.



Highlighted rows are indexable / searchable and one is usually required in the WHERE portion of the query.

Name Type Description
end_time int The end of the period during which the metrics were collected (expressed as a unix time).
period int The length of the period, in seconds, during which the metrics were collected. Currently, the only supported periods are 86400, 604800, and 2592000.
active_users int Number of active users.
api_calls int Number of API calls made by your application.
unique_api_calls int Number of users on behalf of whom your application made API calls.
canvas_page_views int Number of canvas page views.
unique_canvas_page_views int Number of users who viewed a canvas page for your application.
canvas_http_request_time_avg int Average HTTP request time for your application's canvas pages.
canvas_fbml_render_time_avg int Average FBML render time for your application's canvas pages.
unique_adds int Number of users who added your application. (Only available for period 86400.)
unique_removes int Number of users who removed your application. (Only available for period 86400.)
unique_blocks int Number of users who blocked your application. (Only available for period 86400.)
unique_unblocks int Number of users who unblocked your application. (Only available for period 86400.)
canvas_page_views_http_code_0 int Number of canvas page views which timed out. (Only available for period 86400.)
canvas_page_views_http_code_200 int Number of canvas page views returned HTTP code 200. (Only available for period 86400.)
canvas_page_views_http_code_200ND int Number of canvas page views which returned HTTP code 200 and no data. (Only available for period 86400.)
canvas_page_views_http_code_404 int Number of canvas page views which returned HTTP code 404. (Only available for period 86400.)


SELECT end_time, period, active_users, canvas_page_views FROM metrics WHERE end_time IN (1212822000, 1212908400) AND period IN (86400, 604800)
SELECT end_time, period, api_calls FROM metrics WHERE end_time >= 1212822000 AND end_time <= 1212994800 AND (period = 86400 OR period = 2592000)


  • To retrieve canvas page views for HTTP codes other than those listed, use the desired code in the "canvas_page_views_http_code_X" format (e.g. canvas_page_views_http_code_403). (Only available for period 86400.)
  • The end_time variable specifies the end of the period over which the metrics were collected. For example, to obtain data for the 7-day period starting on June 8th at 12:00AM and ending on June 14th at 11:59PM, specify 1213513200 (midnight on June 15th) as the end_time and 604800 (the number of seconds in seven days) as the period.
  • All values for the end_time variable must be specified as midnight, Pacific time.
  • request and render times are in milliseconds

See Also

Personal tools
Graph API