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A user profile. This object supports Real-Time Updates for all properties except the verified property.

Example (Mark Zuckerberg)


Name Description Permissions Returns Condition
id The user's Facebook ID Publicly available A JSON string always included
name The user's full name Publicly available A JSON string
first_name The user's first name Publicly available A JSON string
last_name The user's last name Publicly available A JSON string
link The URL of the profile for the user on Facebook Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON string containing a valid URL
about The blurb that appears under the user's profile picture. This is not the "About Me" section on a user's info page, that can be found under "bio". (I don't see this field on my own profile or anywhere to edit it. deprecated? --Wong 16:36, 10 May 2011 (UTC)) Requires user_about_me or friends_about_me permission A JSON string seems to be missing now --Wong 16:36, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
birthday The user's birthday Requires user_birthday or friends_birthday permission A JSON string
bio The user's biography Requires the user_about_me A JSON string
work A list of the user's work history Requires user_work_history or friends_work_history permission An array of JSON objects containing employer, location, position, start_date and end_date fields
education A list of the user's education history Requires user_education_history or friends_education_history permission An array of JSON objects containing school, year and type fields
email The proxied or contact email address granted by the user Requires email permission A JSON string containing a valid email address
website The URL of the user's personal website Requires user_website or friends_website permission A JSON string containing a valid URL
hometown The user's hometown Requires user_hometown or friend_hometown permission A JSON object containing name and id
location The user's current location Requires user_location or friend_location permission A JSON object containing name and id
quotes The user's favorite quotes Requires the user_about_me A JSON string
gender The user's gender. Possible values: male, female, or is not set (The official docs say this should always be English, but they continually break it so it occasionally shows a translation based on the current user's locale. You can make sure it always returns English by including locale=en_US in the request.) Publicly available A JSON string
interested_in The genders the user is interested in Requires user_relationship_details or friends_relationship_details A JSON array containing JSON strings
meeting_for The types of relationships the user is seeking Requires user_relationship_details or friends_relationship_details permission A JSON array containing JSON strings gone? --Wong 16:36, 10 May 2011 (UTC)
relationship_status The user's relationship status Requires user_relationships or friends_relationships permission A JSON string
religion The user's religion Requires user_religion_politics or friends_religion_politics permission A JSON string
political The user's political view Requires user_religion_politics or friends_religion_politics permission A JSON string
significant_other The user's significant other Requires user_relationship_details or friends_relationship_details permission Returns a JSON object containing name and id
timezone The user's timezone offset from UTC Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON number
third_party_id An anonymous, but unique identifier for the user Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON string seems to only be available if directly requested by adding fields=third_party_id to request. (forum discussion)
updated_time The last time the user's profile was updated Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON string containing a IETF RFC 3339 datetime
locale The user's locale Publicly available A JSON containing the Facebook Locale always available
languages List of languages user knows (as entered in profile) Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON array of objects containing id and name of each language
verified The user's account verification status Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON boolean
address The user's address Requires the user_address permission A JSON object containing street, city, state, country and zip fields
mobile_phone The user's mobile phone number Requires the user_mobile_phone permission A JSON string
sports The user's favourite sports Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON array of objects containing id and name of each
favorite_teams The user's favourite teams Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON array of objects containing id and name of each
favorite_athletes The user's favourite athletes Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON array of objects containing id and name of each
inspirational_people The user's people who inspire them Available to everyone on Facebook A JSON array of objects containing id and name of each


Name Description Permissions Returns
home The user's news feed Requires the read_stream permission An array of Post objects containing the last 30 days or 50 posts, whichever is greater
feed The user's wall Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts An array of Post objects containing the last 30 days or 50 posts, whichever is greater
tagged The photos, videos, and posts in which this user has been tagged Requires the read_stream permission An heterogeneous array of Photo, Video or Post objects
posts The user's own posts Requires the read_stream permission to see non-public posts An array of Post objects
picture The user's profile picture Publicly available Returns a HTTP 302 with the URL of the user's profile picture (use ?type=small | square | normal | large to request a different photo)
friends The user's friends Available to everyone on Facebook An array of JSON objects containing friend id and name fields
activities The activities listed on the user's profile Requires the user_activities or friends_activities permission An array of JSON objects containing activity id, name, category and create_time fields
interests The interests listed on the user's profile Requires the user_interests or friends_interests permission An array of JSON objects containing interest id, name, category and create_time fields
music The music listed on the user's profile Requires the user_likes or friend_likes permission An array of JSON objects containing music id, name, category and create_time fields
books The books listed on the user's profile Requires the user_likes or friend_likes permission An array of JSON objects containing book id, name, category and create_time fields
movies The movies listed on the user's profile Requires the user_likes or friend_likes permission An array of JSON objects containing movie id, name, category and create_time fields
television The television listed on the user's profile Requires the user_likes or friend_likes permission An array of JSON objects containing television id, name, category and create_time fields
likes All the pages this user has liked Requires the user_likes or friend_likes permission An array of JSON objects containing like id, name, category and create_time fields
photos The user's photos and/or the photos the user is tagged Requires the user_photo_video_tags, friend_photo_video_tags, user_photos or friend_photos permissions An array of Photo objects
albums The photo albums this user has created Requires the user_photos or friend_photos permission An array of Album objects
videos The videos this user has been tagged in Requires the user_videos or friend_videos permission An array of Video objects
videos/uploaded The videos the user has uploaded Requires the user_videos or friend_videos permission An array of Video objects
groups The groups this user is a member of Requires the user_groups or friend_groups permission An array of JSON objects containing group id, version, name and unread fields
statuses The user's status updates Requires the read_stream permission An array of Status_message objects
links The user's posted links Requires the read_stream permission An array of Link objects
notes The user's notes Requires the read_stream permission An array of Note objects
events The events this user is attending Requires the user_events or friend_events permission An array of JSON objects containing event id, name, start_time, end_time, location and rsvp_status
inbox The threads in this user's inbox Requires the read_mailbox permission An array of threads
outbox The messages in this user's outbox Requires the read_mailbox permission An array of messages
updates The updates in this user's inbox Requires the read_mailbox permission An array of messages
accounts The Facebook pages and/or applications owned by the current user If the manage_pages permission has been granted, this connection also yields access_tokens that can be used to query the Graph API on behalf of the page An array of JSON objects containing account id, category and name field
checkins The places that the current user has checked-into Requires the user_checkins or friends_checkins permissions An array of Checkin objects
apprequests (was platformrequests) The user's outstanding requests from an application This property can only be accessed with an application access token An array of application requests
friendlists The user's friend lists Requires read_friendlists to read & manage_friendlists to write An array of JSON objects containing id and name fields of the friendlist
payments Seems to only return an OAuth Exception
games Games listed on the profile Available to everyone on Facebook (ie queried with valid access token) JSON array containing objects with the following properties: name, category, id, created_time
permissions The permissions that user has granted the application (which application these permissions are for is based on the access token used) Available with current access token (not application signed token)
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