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Method for triggering dialogs with Facebook as iframe dialogs or popups. Examples: publishing to the stream, sharing links, sending friend requests, etc...

The basic template is: FB.ui( [JSON encoded params], [callback function] );

Here's a table of possible parameters...

Name Type Description
params Object The required arguments vary based on the method being used, but specifying the method itself is mandatory. If display is not specified, then iframe dialogs will be used when possible, and popups otherwise.
Property Type Description Argument Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required name of any of the javascript dialogs listed below...
display String Specify "popup" to force popups. Optional 'popup' 'page' 'iframe'(only works when user is logged in) ('dialog' works but is deprecated and behaves the same as 'iframe') for mobile: touch wap
... ... Other parameters depending on method used, see below... Optional/Required depending on method ...
cb Function Optional callback function to handle the result. Not all methods may have a response.


method: 'apprequests'

Property Type Description Argument Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required 'apprequests'
message String The request the receiving user will see. It appears as a question posed by the sending user. The maximum length is 255 characters. Ex. 'You should learn more about this awesome game.'
to String A user ID or username. Must be a friend of the sender. If this is specified, the user will not have a choice of recipients. If this is omitted, the user will see a friend selector and will be able to select a maximum of 50 recipients. Optional
filters JSON Optional, default is "", which shows a selector that includes the ability for a user to browse all friends, but also filter to friends using the application and friends not using the application. Can also be all, app_users and app_non_users. This controls what set of friends the user sees if a friend selector is shown. If all, app_users and app_non_users is specified, the user will only be able to see users in that list and will not be able to filter to another list. Additionally, an application can suggest custom filters as dictionaries with a name key and a user_ids key, which respectively have values that are a string and a list of user ids. name is the name of the custom filter that will show in the selector. user_ids is the list of friends to include, in the order they are to appear. Optional Example #1

[{name: ‘Neighbors’, user_ids: [1, 2, 3]}, {name: ‘Other Set’, user_ids: [4,5,6]}]

Example #2 [‘app_users’]

data String additional data you may pass for tracking. This will be stored as part of the request objects created. Optional
title String the title for the friend selector dialog. Maximum length is 50 characters. Optional

Return value: request_ids - A comma-separated list of the request_ids that were created. To learn who the requests were sent to, you should loop through the information for each request object identified by a request id.

FB Dev Forum discussion about apprequest


Sending to many people

  method: 'apprequests',
  message: 'You should learn more about this awesome game.',
  data: 'tracking information for the user'

Sending to one person

  method: 'apprequests',
  to: '1234',
  message: 'A request especially for one person.',
  data: 'tracking information for the user'

fbrell apprequests example

method: 'feed'

Property Type Description Argument Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required 'feed'
name String Optional Ex. 'Facebook Dialogs'
link URL parts of the feed story become links to this URL Optional Ex. 'http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/'
picture URL URL to image Optional Ex. 'http://fbrell.com/f8.jpg'
caption String Optional
description String Optional
message String Message placed in textbox. Note: Deprecated. You can't pre-fill the message anymore. Optional
actions JSON action link added below a posting; only one allowed Optional actions: [{name: 'fbrell', link: 'http://fbrell.com/'}]
properties JSON JSON encoded object that gets displayed as a list of key-values below the "description". Example: "1" : {"text":"link text", "href":"http://example.com/"} will show "1: link text" where "link text" is a hotlink to example.com Optional properties: ["1" : {"text":"link text", "href":"http://example.com/"}]
user_message_prompt String Text seen in the pop-up, but not part of the published content. Currently it appears in the message box if it has no text in it and is not in focus, so most people won't see it. Optional

Example feed dialog:

     method: 'feed',
     name: 'Facebook Dialogs',
     link: 'http://fbrell.com/',
     picture: 'http://fbrell.com/f8.jpg',
     caption: 'Reference Documentation',
     description: 'Dialogs provide a simple, consistent interface for applications to interface with users.',
     message: 'Facebook Dialogs are easy!'
   function(response) {
     if (response && response.post_id) {
       alert('Post was published.');
     } else {
       alert('Post was not published.');
FB.ui() method:"feed"

Another example saved on fbrell:

Publishing to the stream is easy, as all the fields are optional. Just specify
what you need, and leave the rest out.
var publish = {
  method: 'feed',
  message: 'Learning about Facebook Platform',
  name: 'Operation Developer Love',
  caption: 'The Facebook Connect JavaScript SDK',
  description: (
      'A small JavaScript library that allows you to harness ' +
      'the power of Facebook, bringing the user\'s identity, ' +
      'social graph and distribution power to your site.'
  link: 'http://fbrell.com/',
  picture: 'http://fbrell.com/f8.jpg',
  actions: [
    { name: 'fbrell', link: 'http://fbrell.com/' }
  properties: [
    { text: 'value1', href: 'http://developers.facebook.com/'},
    { text: 'value1', href: 'http://developers.facebook.com/'},
    { text: 'value1', href: 'http://developers.facebook.com/'},
    { text: 'value1', href: 'http://developers.facebook.com/'},
    { text: 'value1', href: 'http://developers.facebook.com/'}
  user_message_prompt: 'Share your thoughts about RELL'
FB.ui(publish, Log.info.bind('feed callback'));

method: 'send'

Property Type Description Argument Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required 'send'
redirect_uri URL String URL to redirect user to after they click "send". Will default to something reasonable if excluded and is ignored if you provide a callback method. Ex. 'http://fbrell.com/'
to A user ID or username to which to send the message. Seems to also handle JSON array of ids. Once the dialog comes up, the user can specify additional users, Facebook groups, and email addresses to which to send the message. Sending content to a Facebook group will post it to the group's wall. not required
link URL String The link to send in the message Required Ex. 'http://fbrell.com/'
picture URL String to a picture By default a picture will be taken from the link specified. The URL of a picture to include in the message. The picture will be shown next to the link. Note: Deprecated. The picture is automatically selected from the link given. not required
message String Message placed in textbox. Note: Deprecated. You can't pre-fill the message anymore. not required
name String By default a title will be taken from the link specified. The name of the link, i.e. the text to display that the user will click on. Note: Deprecated. The name is generated from the link given. not required
description String By default a description will be taken from the link specified. Descriptive text to show below the link. Note: Deprecated. The description is generated from the link given. not required

Example send dialog:

    method: "send",
    link: "http://www.google.com/",
    to: ["zuck","dmp"]
  function(response) { alert(response); }

Official docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/send/

method: 'stream.share'

Property Type Description Argument Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required 'stream.share'
u String URL to share Required? Ex. 'http://fbrell.com/'

Example stream.share dialog:

    method: 'stream.share',
    u: 'http://fbrell.com/'
  function(response) { alert(response); }
FB.ui() method:"stream.share"

method: 'permissions.request'

If you need to get extended permissions from a logged in user without having to redirect them back to the login URL, this is the way to do it.

Property Type Description Required / Default Value Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required 'permissions.request'
perms comma deliminated string list of permissions to be requested Required? Ex. 'user_birthday,user_relationship_details,read_stream'

see Extended Permissions for list of possible values

enable_profile_selector boolean whether to show a drop-down list of profiles that these permissions should be applied to false
profile_selector_ids Javascript Array of Strings containing ids list of profiles to show in the profile selector drop-down all profiles ['384293422','45838293','8434345']

Example permissions.request dialog:

   method: 'permissions.request',
   'perms': 'user_birthday,user_relationship_details,read_stream',
   'display': 'iframe'
  function(response) {
    // check response.perms that it has all the required permissions...  if so, continue to next page.
    // TODO should be a better way to do this since UI checks perms
    if (response.perms != null && isSetProperSubset(permissions.split(","), response.perms.split(","))) {
      top.location.href = "http://apps.facebook.com/fbdevwiki/"+nextUrl;
function isSetProperSubset(subset, superset) {
  // first check lengths
  if (subset.length > superset.length) {
    return false;
  var lookup = {};
  for (var j in superset) {
    lookup[superset[j]] = superset[j];
  for (var i in subset) {
    if (typeof lookup[subset[i]] == 'undefined') {
      return false;
  return true;


Bug #17565 - using a 'display' of 'iframe' or 'dialog' will cause code to be run that is looking for String.trim() . This method exists on the String object in some browsers, but not in IE. Use 'popup' instead.

method: 'friends.add'

Seems to be identical to method: 'friends' so use it... saves typing 4 letters and as this one is the older method, it's the more likely one to be nixed.

method: 'friends'

This seems to be a newer and simplified version of 'friends.add'.

Property Type Description Argument Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required 'friends'
id String The ID or username of the target user to add as a friend. Required Ex. 'brent' or '382348493'


var publish = {
  method: 'friends',
  id: 'brent',


  • The "display" attribute can only be set to "popup", "iframe", or "hidden". It's not possible to show this dialog with a mobile friendly display.

method: 'stream.publish'

This method can only be called after FB.init() and the user is logged in. The method: 'feed' seems to be a newer and simplified method for publishing.

Property Type Description Required / Default Value Possible Values / Examples
method String The UI dialog to invoke. Required "stream.publish"
from String containing id number User ID or Page ID that the post is originating from current user "110516463305"
display String URL to share "iframe" "popup" see FB.ui table above for list
user_message_prompt String Text seen in the pop-up, but not part of the published content. Currently it appears in the message box if it has no text in it and is not in focus, so most people won't see it.
message String Text to fill into the area the user can type into. Facebook says you shouldn't pre-fill this field for people so it's probably better to avoid using this option ""
attachment Object
Property Type Description Required / Default Value Possible Values / Examples
name String Title text of the published content
caption String text appearing right below the title
description String text appearing below the caption
href URL URL to make the title and media a link to this URL
media Array Array of JSON encoded objects. Each JSON object is of the form:



The type can be one of: "image", "mp3", "flash"

properties Object JSON encoded object that gets displayed as a list of key-values below the "description". Example: "1" : {"text":"link text", "href":"http://example.com/"} will show "1: link text" where "link text" is a hotlink to example.com
action_links Array Array of JSON encoded objects to add custom "action" links at the bottom right of the published content. Each object takes the form: {text:'link text', href:'http://example.com/'} [ ]

Example after FB.init() is called:

  method: "stream.publish",
  display: "iframe",
  user_message_prompt: "Publish This!",
  message: "I am so smart!  S M R T!",
  attachment: {
     name: "Joe has a gift!",
     caption: "Joe has tested his skills and did extremely well",
     description: "Here is a list of Joe's skills:",
     href: "http://example.com/",
  action_links: [{ text: 'Test yourself', href: 'http://example.com/test.php' }]
 function(response) {
   if (response && response.post_id) {
     //alert('Post was published.');
   } else {
     //alert('Post was not published.');
FB.ui() method:"stream.publish"

method: 'fbml.dialog'

This won't work when called on a page tab. Will only display the error, that the method is unknown. --Paratron 13:29, 11 August 2011 (UTC)

The 'width' value seems to not be used properly; omitting it makes the window much larger, though --Wong 05:36, 12 December 2010 (UTC)

This method only works if you have a valid access_token, so FB.init() must be called first.

     'method': 'fbml.dialog',
     'display': 'dialog',
     'fbml': "<h1>this is some fbml markup</h1>",
     'width': 575
   function() {
     alert(true, 'callback was invoked');

Example/hack to properly size the dialog (taken from Stackoverflow.com and code in pastebin.com, related to the bug listed on github for the JS SDK ):

var oldSize = FB.UIServer.Methods["fbml.dialog"].size;
FB.UIServer.Methods["fbml.dialog"].size = {width:300, height:150};
var dialog = {
	method: 'fbml.dialog',
	fbml: '<fb:header icon="false" decoration="add_border">Some Prompt</fb:header>' +
		'<div style="width:100%; height:100%;" align="center">' +
		'<div style="margin:15px;">Do you wish to continue?</div>' +
		'<label class="uiButton uiButtonLarge uiButtonConfirm"><input type="button" name="OK" value="OK"></label>' +
		'<label class="uiButton uiButtonLarge uiButtonConfirm"><input type="button" name="Cancel" value="Cancel"></label>' +
FB.ui(dialog, function(result) { console.log(result); } );
FB.UIServer.Methods["fbml.dialog"].size = oldSize;

method: 'bookmark.add'

This method was to allow users to "bookmark" an application. However, Facebook now "automatically" bookmarks any application that you use. It is possible for a user to remove a bookmark without removing an application, but this method does not allow the user to re-add the bookmark. Essentially, this method has been made useless, but still shows a dialog.

 FB.ui({'method': 'bookmark.add'});


  • interesting things happen when trying this in fbrell... When you first 'login' with fbrell and add the application, no bookmark is added in Facebook. If you run the 'bookmark.add' dialog, you can then add the bookmark.

method: 'profile.addtab'

Deprecated method for adding a "tab" to a profile. The dialog still shows, though, but will throw an error if the user selects to add a profile tab.

While it is possible to add an application to a page through a bookmark, I'm not sure if this method is able to do that. --Wong 19:12, 4 July 2011 (UTC)

 FB.ui({'method': 'profile.addtab'});

method: 'auth.status'

Seems like it's supposed to return the current permissions granted the application.

 function(obj) {

method: 'auth.login'

Seems to be gone now... use method: 'permissions_request' instead.

FB.login used to use this method, but now it uses method: 'permissions_request'

method: 'auth.logintofacebook'

If the current user isn't logged into facebook, a popup shows a dialog to allow the person to log into Facebook. If the person is already logged in, the popup quickly dissappears.

FB.ui({method: 'auth.logintofacebook'})

method: 'auth.logout'

seems to logout the user without prompting

 function() {
  alert("you're logged out!");
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