PHP getLoginUrl

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This method returns a URL to direct the user to to have them login and grant permissions to your webpage/application.


getLoginUrl() takes a single argument which is an associative array of values. Here's a list of the possible values:

Name Type Description Default
redirect_uri (v3) string containing full URL the url to go to after a successful login the current URL
scope (v3) string containing comma separated list of extended permissions to request comma separated list of requested extended perms ""
cancel_url string containing full URL If the person hits "cancel" on logging in or granting access to your application then the user will be directed to this URL the current URL
next string containing full URL After the person logs in and authorizes your application they will be redirected to this URL the current URL
display string containing "page" or "popup" Should the person log in through a full page and then be redirected, or should it be a smaller pop-up window? "page"
req_perms string containing comma separated list of extended permissions to request On top of the basic login and permission, these extended permissions will also be requested at the same time ""


Example making a simple link that will login the user:

  echo '<a href="' . $facebook->getLoginUrl() . '">Login</a>';

Redirecting the user depending on whether you're in an iframe or not and get extended permissions:

<script type="text/javascript">
require_once 'facebook.php';
$fb = new Facebook(array(
    'appId'  => $appid,
    'secret' => $appsecret,
    'cookie' => true
$canvas_url = '';
$standalone_url = '';
$loginperm = 'user_birthday,user_relationship_details';
$canvas_login_url = $fb->getLoginUrl(array(
		'next' => $canvas_url.'game.php', 
		'cancel_url' => $canvas_url,
		'req_perms' => $loginperm
$standalone_login_url = $fb->getLoginUrl(array(
		'next' => $standalone_url.'game.php', 
		'cancel_url' => $standalone_url,
		'req_perms' => $loginperm
if (top.location != location) { // in canvas iframe
    top.location.href = "<?=$canvas_login_url?>";
} else { // stand alone site
    location.href = "<?=$standalone_login_url?>";
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